How To Run Windows Update From CMD
You did not know that you can install and manage updates for Windows from the command line? Then read this article, it will be interesting to you.
Guide to run windows update from cmd
If you download software updates from the Microsoft Update catalog located at http://catalog.update.microsoft.com/v7/site/Install.aspx?referringpage=Home.aspx , you can download and install updates from the command line using the Windows Update Stand-alone Installer utility (Wusa.exe). For example, if the .msu file “Update for Windows Server 2008 (KB947562)” is named X86-all-windows6.0-kb947562-x86_6ff6b13433eba0503ffcd8e47e1daefac3dc83b4.msu, you can install this update manually using the following command:
wusa x86-all-windows6.0-kb947562-x86_6ff6b13433eba0503ffcd8e47e1daefac3dc83b4.msu / quiet
You can use Windows Management Instrumentation from the command line (Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line – WMIC) to view installed updates on your computer. For example, to verify that the update described in the previous section was installed on your computer, follow these steps:
wmic qfe list
Caption CSName Description FixComments HotFixID InstallDate InstalledBy InstalledOn Name ServicePackInEffect Status Caption
http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=947562 S-SC1 Update KB947562 S-1-5-21-940954651-3993729752-4124607334-500 01c8dc69493cee0b
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